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St Matthew's CE Primary School

Faith • Respect • Achievement • Friendship


Welcome to Sycamore Class!


Welcome to Sycamore Class!

On our first day in Sycamore Class, we collectively wrote our own vision statement for the year. 

Our classroom is a calm, friendly, fun, creative and challenging place, where everyone is enthusiastic and passionate about their learning. It is a tidy place where everyone feels welcome, happy and safe. We listen carefully to each other and work together at all times. It is a place, where everyone can be the best versions of themselves.

It is going to be an action packed year in Sycamore with lots of exciting themes. I will upload the curriculum overview for each half-term as we teach it so that you can see what we will be learning. Please look at it and talk to your child about their learning. Scroll down to find out more. 



Tuesday am (football)

Wednesday pm (tag - rugby)


(Reading, Spelling Shed, TT Rockstars)

given out/set on a Friday.

due in on a Friday

Forest School 

Friday pm

Please bring your forest school clothes to school in a carrier bag ready to get changed at lunchtime. 

Please check out our gallery for updates on what we get up to!

Autumn 1 2024

Who do you think you are kidding Mr Hitler? 

Key Question: Should children have a choice in what happens to them? 

Values:   Conflict    Sacrifice    Rights

This half term, Year 5 will mainly be learning about WW2 with a huge focus on evacuation. During the topic, they will learn about why the war began, why the children had to be evacuated and how Britain was able to stand firm against the German threat. Within their artwork, they will be looking at the work of L.S. Lowry and how they can use light and shade to create perspective. Please see the half term overview below to see what Year 5 will be learning in other subject areas this half term.