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St Matthew's CE Primary School

Faith • Respect • Achievement • Friendship


Welcome to Rainbows 2024-25.

Welcome to the Rainbows web-page. We spend a lot of time in the outside area, exploring our beautiful surroundings or getting messy in the mud kitchen. We choose our own learning through a variety of activities during Discovery Time and also through structured teacher-led learning throughout the day.

The Rainbows have come into school on their initial visits really well and are already exploring their environment with confidence and enthusiasm. They have played with old friends, and they have got to know some new ones.

Look under the gallery to find out what we have been doing in the first few days of school and continue to look here weekly, as I will post here most weeks. 

Forest school and PE are on Fridays with Mrs Partridge.

If you have any questions about what your child is learning, then please ask a member of the Early Years Team.

I have added a copy of our long-term planning so that you can see where we are aiming for at the end of the year and some of the steps we will take to get there.

You will get a copy of the phonics that we are doing every half-term and also newsletters which I have also added here.