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St Matthew's CE Primary School

Faith • Respect • Achievement • Friendship

Policies & Documents

On this page you will find links to key school policies and guidance documents.

Paper copies of the information available on this website can be provided, please contact the school office for further information.

  1. Absence Flowchart
    PDF File
  2. Accessibilty plan to be reviewed Spring 2025
    PDF File
  3. Administration of Medicines Policy to be reviewed Summer 2025
    PDF File
  4. Admissions Appeal Timetable 2024-25
    PDF File
  5. Admissions policy 2023-24 revised
    PDF File
  6. Admissions policy 2024-25
    PDF File
  7. Admissions policy 2025-26
    PDF File
  8. Anti-bullying policy - To be reviewed Spring 2026
    PDF File
  9. Attendance Policy to be reviewed Spring 2025
    PDF File
  10. Charging Policy to be reviewed Summer 2025
    PDF File
  11. Child Protection Policy 2023 To be reviewed September 2024
    PDF File
  12. Collective Worship Policy to be reviewed Summer 2025
    PDF File
  13. Complaints Procedure Policy to be reviewed Autumn 2024
    PDF File
  14. Data Protection Policy To be reviewed January 2025
    PDF File
  15. Diocese CW policy
    PDF File
  16. E Safety Policy - to be reviewed Spring 2025
    PDF File
  17. Equality policy 2021- 2024 To be reviewed Summer 2024
    PDF File
  18. Feedback and Marking Policy to be reviewed March 2025
    PDF File
  19. First Aid Policy to be reviewed Summer 2025
    PDF File
  20. Forest School Policy
    PDF File
  21. Freedom of Information Publication Scheme
    PDF File
  22. Governors Visits Policy to be reviewed Autumn 2024
    PDF File
  23. Heath and Safety Policy Spring 2024 to be reviewed Spring 2025
    PDF File
  24. Positive Behaviour for Learning to be reviewed Autumn 2024
    PDF File
  25. Privacy Notice for Pupils and Parents to be reviewed Autumn 2027
    PDF File
  26. Privacy Notice for Staff to be reviewed Autumn 2027
    PDF File
  27. PSHE Policy to be reviewed 2024
    PDF File
  28. RE Policy 2022 To be reviewed Autumn 2024
    PDF File
  29. Restrictive physical intervention policy to be reviewed Autumn 2024
    PDF File
  30. RSHE POLICY to be reviewed Autumn 2024
    PDF File
  31. Safeguarding policy 2023 To be reviewed September 2024
    PDF File
  32. SEND Information Report September 2023 To be reviewed September 2024
    PDF File
  33. SEND Policy 2023 To be reviewed September 2024
    PDF File
  34. SRE Policy to be reviewed Spring 2026
    PDF File
  35. Teaching and Learning Policy To be reviewed Spring 2025
    PDF File