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St Matthew's CE Primary School

Faith • Respect • Achievement • Friendship

Sports Day

St. Matthew’s is proud to run its sports day year on year with all children taking part in events throughout the day. With KS1 in the morning and KS2 events in the afternoon, all children are able to participate and cheer on their team. We have four teams that earn points for all the events they take part in.

We believe that sports and physical activities are important for children’s development and well-being. Our sports day is a fun way for children to showcase their athletic skills and work together as a team. This in turn allows the parents to see this too. 

We hope that everyone will have a great time on our sports day, and we look forward to seeing you there! 

Want to see the Pictures from our Sports Day! Click for KS1 KS2 Yr 6 Triathlon  


Sports Day Roll of Honour KS1/KS2 Combined

2022 - St Patrick (Green) 

2023 - St George (Red) - 320 

2024 - St George (Red) 382 

2025- ?????