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St Matthew's CE Primary School

Faith • Respect • Achievement • Friendship


Beech 2023-24


Spring 2: Ancient Greece

Key Question: Were the Greeks actually great? 

Values: Democracy; Fairness; Identity

An overview of Ancient Greek history - History Skills


During Spring 2, Beech Class will learn about Ancient Greece. This theme will be very 'history' heavy with Art and DT also being incorporated into it. Some of the key questions that the children will be exploring will include: How do we know so much about Ancient Greece? What was daily life like in Anciet Greece? Why is it important for us to learn about it? Through the topic, the children will also get the opportunity to taste foods which would have been eaten in Ancient Greece and create their own Greek salad using some of the ingredients as well as creating their own Greek pottery. Please see our curriculum overview below for more information on this and other curriculum areas. 



Spring 1: Earth and Space

Key Question: What is out there and where did it come from? 

Values: Truth; Conflict; Dreams and Failures

Earth From Space Wallpapers HD | PixelsTalk.Net

During Spring 1, Beech will learn about Earth and Space. This will be a science-heavy half-term, where the children will learn about the make-up of our solar system, as well as looking closer at our planet, considering how we get our years as well as day and night. Please see our curriculum overview below for more information. 

Autumn 2: Wonders of the World

Key Question: How do you become a Wonder in the World?

ValuesBeauty; Stewardship; Spirituality

Can you visit all 7 New Wonders of the World in a single month?

During Autumn 2, the children will be exploring the 'Wonders of the World'. As part of this unit, the children will consider the ancient and modern wonders as well as natural wonders. They will also consider what it means to be a 'wonder' in the world. They will research and locate these various wonders before looking closer to home and consider themselves and whether they are a 'wonder'. The children will also learn about the artists Banksy and Roadworth and consider their anonymity and what some of the messages behind their artwork. They will then design and create a piece of wall art with their own message. Please find attached our half term over view which will outline what will be taught in each subject this half term. 

Autumn 1: On Our Doorstep!

Key Question: Is Belonging Really Important? 

Values: Belonging       Community       Respect

Bordon regeneration: What the Hampshire town will look like when enormous  redevelopment is complete - HampshireLive

During Autumn 1, we will be carrying out a local study, exploring how Bordon has changed over time and how it might change in the future. We will look go on walks around our local area, identifying the human and physical features as well as how the land is used. We will compare this and current maps to maps of what the town used to look like and looking at what Bordon may look like in the future alongside the regeneration project. We will take this further, carrying out traffic surveys and considering the impact of traffic in the area. We will then design and create our own futuristic cars for the future. 

As our outcome, we invite parents into school on Wednesday 18th October at 2;30pm, where the children would love to showcase their findings.