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St Matthew's CE Primary School

Faith • Respect • Achievement • Friendship

Latest News

This is where you will find out about what is happening in the life of the school.

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  • Newsletter - 13th May

    Published 13/05/24

    For the latest information please select the links below.

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  • Enrichment Day at Eggar's

    Published 08/05/24

    Sycamore's enrichment day at Eggar's

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  • Newsletter - 7th May

    Published 07/05/24

    For the latest information please select the links below.

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  • Quidditch Year 5/6 @ Perins 30/4/24

    Published 02/05/24

    We took 10 year 5/6 children to Perins to take part in a Quidditch match and try the game for the first time. The children did great, showing great enthusiasm and sportsmanship. If you would like to see the photos click here.

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  • Newsletter & PTFA News - 29th April

    Published 29/04/24

    For the latest information please select the links below.

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  • Lacrosse @ TPS 23/4/24

    Published 26/04/24

    Year 5/6 children attend a Lacrosse Festival at TPS. The children loved trying out a new sport and played really well against 2 other schools. If you would like to see the photos click here.

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  • Newsletter - 22nd April

    Published 22/04/24

    For the latest information please select the links below.

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  • Quidditch @ Perins 16/4/24

    Published 17/04/24

    St. Matthews took 11 children to take part in a new sport, Quidditch. The children enjoyed themselves trying a new game. If you would like to see the photos, click here.

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  • SportsHall Athletics County 16/4/24

    Published 17/04/24

    St. Matthews took a team of 12 children to the county championships, which were held at Aldershot Garrison Sports Centre. The children took part in running, jumping, and throwing events. They participated and showed great sportsmanship. The children's behaviour was fantastic, and the team spirit was commented on by other teachers. Overall, they finished 16th; however, this is out of all the schools in Hampshire (496), so this is no small achievement to get this far in the competition. 

    If you would like to see the photos, click here.

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  • Newsletter 15th April

    Published 15/04/24

    For the latest information please select the links below.

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  • Year 5/6 Dodgeball @ TPS 26/3/24

    Published 27/03/24

    Year 5/6 attended a dodgeball tournament at The Petersfield School. We took 20 Children over 3 teams all the teams played with great enthusaism and sportsmanship. Our Teams finished in there respective groups. 

    St Matthews Red 2nd in Group

    St Matthews Yellow 3rd in Group 

    St Matthews Green 4th in Group 

    Big Thanks to Mrs Knights & Ms Taylor for helping out with the other teams. 

    If you  would like to see the photos click here.

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  • Keeping safe on social media

    Published 25/03/24

    E safety leaflets about staying safe on social media have been sent home today for our half termly keeping safe online bulletin. Please check book bags for these if you have not seen them yet. 

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