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St Matthew's CE Primary School

Faith • Respect • Achievement • Friendship

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May 2024


    Published 24/05/24

    Photos of St Matthews Winners of the Bordon Cluster Tournaments (over 5 events): Handball, Hockey, Basketball, Tag Rugby and Rounders. If you would like to see the photos, click here. A huge thank you to the parents, the children and the tournament organisers. 

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  • Dodgeball @ Eggars & Rounders @ Oakmoor 22/5 & 23/5

    Published 24/05/24

    We took 21 year 3/4 children to Dodgeball tournament at Eggars with 10 teams (3 of our own) the children played brilliantly and respresented the school brillantly. If you would like to see the photos click here. Also we competed at Oakmoor in the school cluster tournament of Rounders Year 3/4 came 4th and Year 5/6 came 3rd they did brillantly and lots of comments on the attitude and sportsmanship. If you would like to see the photos click here.

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  • Newsletter - 20th April

    Published 21/05/24

    For the latest information please select the link below.

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  • Alternative Sports Festival @ Eggars 17/5/24

    Published 20/05/24

    St Matthews took 27 children to Eggars school to take part in the Alternative Sports Festival along with 4 other schools. The children were brilliant and had fun taking part in reaction lights, roundnet, archery, kinball and cup stacking events. If you would like to see the photos for this link.

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  • Letter from the Governors re New Headteacher

    Published 16/05/24

    Please select the link below.

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  • Newsletter - 13th May

    Published 13/05/24

    For the latest information please select the links below.

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  • Enrichment Day at Eggar's

    Published 08/05/24

    Sycamore's enrichment day at Eggar's

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  • Newsletter - 7th May

    Published 07/05/24

    For the latest information please select the links below.

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  • Quidditch Year 5/6 @ Perins 30/4/24

    Published 02/05/24

    We took 10 year 5/6 children to Perins to take part in a Quidditch match and try the game for the first time. The children did great, showing great enthusiasm and sportsmanship. If you would like to see the photos click here.

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