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St Matthew's CE Primary School

Faith • Respect • Achievement • Friendship


Welcome to Willow Class 2023-2024

In Willow class we are hard-working individuals that persevere together to reach our goals. Our learning stretches and challenges us, but we continue, even if we find it difficult. We have lots of fun in class, to discover the wonders of the world around us and value viewpoints from everyone. We never struggle by ourselves; we seek help from each other and the tools around the classroom. 

Use the links to the right of this page to access your homework through 'TT Rockstars', 'Oxford Owl' and 'Spelling Shed'. You can also look in our gallery for photos of our learning. Read below to find out what we are learning each term. 

If you are able to come in to read with the children, we would be delighted. Please let Miss Welch know by either using the blue book, or finding me at the end of the day.

Summer 2:

This half term, we have Forest School on Friday Mornings.

We start off the half term with Swimming on a Wednesday afternoon, and once swimming finishes, this will change to PE.

Homework is set on Friday and is due in on Thursday.


Summer 2: Vikings

Key Question: Where the Vikings Invaders or Settlers?

Values: Strength, Fear, Belonging.

The Vikings in England (Or were they Danes?)

During this topic, the children will learn all about the Vikings. They will explore the Viking's invasion route in Geography and create Viking inspired art. They will be learning all about the Vikings and how they impacted on life in England in History.

For a full subject overview, please see the attachment below.