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St Matthew's CE Primary School

Faith • Respect • Achievement • Friendship

Palm Sunday


This Sunday is Palm Sunday. This it the day in the year when Christians remember the day when Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey with all the crowds cheering for Him. You can find out more about what happened on Palm Sunday by watching this animated film, The Triumphal Entry, which shows what Christians believe about Jesus entering Jerusalem at the start of Easter Week.



In church on Palm Sunday, Christians often remember what happened when Jesus rode into Jerusalem by giving out palm crosses, or by waving palm branches and shouting ‘Hosannah!’ which means something like ‘God saves us’ or ‘God is good.’ There is a song called ‘Shout Hosanna!” which you could learn.




Perhaps you could make your own palm branch from a rolled up newspaper. Or if you want a challenge, you could try making your own Palm Sunday cross. (You might need an adult to help you with these activities)

Could you recreate the scene using Lego or Playmobile or other figures? Think about who would take part and what they might be thinking or feeling.

((Who wouldn’t be there? Why not?)

What do you think is the most important part of the Palm Sunday story?


Some questions to think about.

Why is it important to make people feel welcome? How could you welcome a visitor to your house? Or a new child to your class? How could you welcome someone who came to England from another country?

What do you think a Christian would say if they were welcoming Jesus today? Why?