Our Governors
Our governors are very supportive of our school and all that the children do. They care deeply about the school's vision and school improvement. They help us to make improvements so we can be the best children, staff and parents possible. They carry out regular monitoring of the school through learning walks, pupil conferencing, book trawls and interviews with staff. They also attend meetings of the Full Governing Body, Business Committee, Teaching and Learning Committee and the Christian Distinctiveness Group. Hardly a day goes by without at least one governor in the school.
When new staff arrive, governors are part of the induction process and are involved in the pastoral care of the teaching team.
Every monitoring activity is recorded with points for further development so the governors and the school can ensure that our school improvement objectives are being met.
Our Chair of Governors is Mrs Michelle Jenkins and our Governor who monitors Safeguarding within the school is Mrs Jo Knights. They can be contacted through the school office if you wish to speak with them.
Minutes from our governors' Meetings are available by request to the Chair of Governors who can be contacted through the school office.
If you are interested in becoming a governor please contact the school.
Please select the file below to view details of our governors in the last academic year and the roles they played in school.
Please visit this website to see the financial benchmarking for St. Matthew's and compare our school to similar schools.
We have no staff who receive a salary of £100,000 or more.